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Feedback from Belgium Jodo Team Manager Jean Trembloy Thanks to the Kendo Association of Finland for organizing the event. ZNKR DELEGATION; Kunifumi MORIMOTO Sensei & Koichi KOJIRO Sensei, thanks for the valuable teaching and guidance. Belgium Participants Congratulations to all Participants, Referees, Supporters, Coach and manager of the Belgian delegation. It was a fine championship […]
Samenstelling TC’s
Afgelopen vrijdag (12/04/24) vond de algemene vergadering van de VKIJF plaats. De commissies zijn als volgt verkozen: TC Kendo Chris Maes Chieko Yano TC Iaido Freddy Carlier Patrik Demuynck Vlad Liviu Nicolas Vaes TC Jodo Patrik Demuynck Vlad Liviu Jean Trembloy Karen Vermeulen Luc Weyn De mandaten lopen tot 2028. Proficiat met jullie verkiezing en […]